
Need a healthcare appointment or just want to pick up a few over-the-counter first aid or medication supplies? We have you covered! Stop by the Health Services clinic or call for an appointment with our medical team at 240 895-4289. Be sure to bring a state-issued ID and your insurance card to every visit. Please note that our services are at no cost to you and your insurance card will only be used for LabCorp services.
Medical Team
Our team consists of a nurse practitioner, two registered nurses, a certified nurse assistant and a medical receptionist.
We strive to see students within 24 hours whenever possible. There is no charge for our services.
Scope of Care
Injuries and illnesses; reproductive healthcare; nurse case management; consultations; referrals to community resources.
Our nurse practitioner can dispense prescription medication if indicated. The clinic does not fill off-campus prescriptions.
Walk-In Self Care Clinic
Just need a few over-the-counter medications or first aid supplies but don't need an appointment? We have you covered!
Ear flush; EKG; IV hydration & medication; flu vaccine; first aid; nebulizer treatments.
Laboratory Testing
We use LabCorp, a third-party laboratory service, that bills your health insurance company. In-house "rapid/same-day" testing examples (no charge): strep, flu, mono, COVID, pregnancy, hemoglobin, glucose, urine Clinistix.
Your privacy is important to us. We do not share health information with other offices on campus. We follow the rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act with respect to patient privacy.
Ethel Chance Hall
Call 240.895.4289 to schedule your appointment.