
Congratulations to the SMCM community for another successful Red Cross Blood Drive- in fact, 39 of the 41 scheduled donors showed and 56% were first-time donors! Many more stopped by looking for walk-in appointments.
Fun Facts:
To date, SMCM has held 31 blood drives
- 1,204 units of blood have been collected
- 39 average units of blood per drive
- This represents a total of 1,518 total donors!
If you missed out, our next blood drive is February 19, 2025 from 10-3 including POWER RED donations. A Power Red donation is a procedure that allows the donor to give two units of red blood cells during a single appointment. It's similar to a whole blood donation, but a special machine separates the red blood cells (RBCs) from the plasma and platelets, which are then returned to the donor along with hydrating saline. Many Power Red donors report less fatigue because of this.RBCs from a Power Red donation are typically given to trauma patients, newborns and emergency transfusions during birth, people with sickle cell anemia, and anyone suffering blood loss. The ideal blood types for Power Red donation are O positive, O negative, A negative, and B negative.
Want to learn more about the types of blood donation? Visit:
The link to donate at SMCM in February is live, so check it out!
Do you have specific questions about eligibility? Visit:
* please note that volunteers checking in donors cannot answer questions about eligibility