THIS Wednesday 2/14: China Calling! Career Opportunities for Experts on Asia

Submitted by Charles Musgrove Professor of History, Coordinator of Asian Studies
February 12, 2024 - 7:12 am

Despite prevailing doom and gloom about the state of US-China relations and China’s economic outlook, it has never been a better time to become a Sinologist. The US non-profit, government, and business sectors need China experts more than ever before.

Daniel Rechtschaffen and Hongpan Zhou recently relocated to Washington DC after spending years working in China for multinational corporations. Both studied abroad – Dan in China, Pan in Ireland – and each leveraged their specific multiculturalism to pursue China-focused careers. Please join Dan and Pan on February 14 for a lively discussion about the outlook for US-China relations, their experiences living and working in China, and what kind of careers are available in the US and China for fresh graduates with a China-specific humanities degree.

Wednesday, February 14

4:45 p.m.

Margaret Brent Hall Classroom

This event is sponsored by the SMCM Asian Studies Program, the Departments of History & International Languages and Cultures.

Event Announcements
Photos of the two speakers: Hongpan Zhou and Daniel Rechtschaffen