4v4 All-Gender Soccer Tournament - Form your team today!

Submitted by Maribeth Ganzell Club Sport Coordinator/Athletic Trainer
November 02, 2022 - 10:49 am

Form your team today!
All are welcome to play
Sign up as an individual or a team

SMCM Club Soccer is hosting a 4v4 All-Gender tournament on the evenings of November 18 &19.
We will run the tourney from 5pm-9pm on Friday the 18th & 1pm-4pm on Saturday the 19th, at the Jamie L. Roberts Stadium.

We will have 2 Levels to choose from: Competitive & Recreational

Register Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeU6_B1Is9dZYOYS_zx3UC-rj7-4pyIxCRbmzO7uZLhd305Xg/viewform?usp=sf_link

- $2 per player 
- All current students and staff from SMCM invited!
- Roster max. of 7, we recommend 2-3 people who do not identify as men on your team.
- Limit of two (2) Varsity soccer players (past or present) per team (men or women's teams)
(Rosters will be checked before the tourney)
- Must have at least one person who does not identify as a man on the field at all times
- 30 minute games
- Prizes for the most spirited team! (cheers, team shirts, sportsmanship, etc)
- Prizes for the winning team!

Please Contact Liam for any Questions.  (lmjohnston@smcm.edu)

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4v4 soccer tournament