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Welcome Traci Haynie & Emily Warren - Visiting Teaching & Learning Librarians for 2022-23!

Submitted by Amanda VerMeulen Director of the Library & Archives in Hilda C. Landers Library
October 14, 2022
Traci and Emily

Please welcome our Visiting Teaching and Learning Librarians Traci Haynie and Emily Warren!

About Karin “Traci” Haynie, DNP, MSLS, MS

I am a Visiting Teaching & Learning Librarian with a focus on teaching information literacy instruction for the CORE Seminars. I am also the liaison librarian for the STEM disciplines. My primary focus is to assist students in accessing library resources and conduct research for their courses.

Before SMCM, I volunteered in my local public library; worked as a registered nurse; and am a retired Army Reserve soldier. As a former nurse educator, I discovered the joy of teaching and working with students in the classroom, simulation labs, and in the hospital during clinical rotations. As a  retired Army Reserve soldier, I worked primarily in logistical management of supplies, equipment, and coordinated training. My hobbies include knitting & crochet, exercise, reading, strolling through antique stores, and working in my yard.


About Emily Warren, MLIS

Emily holds a Master of Library and Information Science from Kent State University in her hometown of Kent, Ohio. Prior to completing her degree, Emily worked as a circulation assistant at her local public library. As a Visiting Teaching & Learning Librarian at SMCM, Emily is looking forward to conducting information literacy instruction for the Core classes, serving as the liaison for the social science departments, and getting to know all of the faculty, staff, and students!

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