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St. Mary's Project in Psychology Oral Presentations - Monday, May 2, 2022

Submitted by Angela Draheim Academic Program Coordinator and Departmental Web Specialist in Psychology
April 25, 2022
Lecture PsycSMPs

St. Mary’s Projects in Psychology* Lecture Symposium in Goodpaster Hall

Monday, May 2, 2022

Please note: All participants and guests are required to wear masksas this is a mandatory academic event for our SMP students and faculty.

9:00 AM

Jordan Bailey - Testing Music Preference's Influence on Identifying Music Genres (Dr. James Mantell) - GH 186

Jannah Mawuli - Oh No! Stick to the Status Quo: How social dominance orientation and biological essentialism predict attention and perceptions of femininity (Dr. Kristina Howansky) GH 195

9:30 AM

Ellery Forssell - Covid, Collectivism, and Communities in a Post Pandemic World (Dr. Rich Platt) - GH 186

Kayla Luhn - Perceptual Conformity: Peer Influence on Perceptions of Attractiveness (Dr. Kristina Howansky) - GH 195

10:00 AM

Rachel Lansbury - Experiences in Postpartum Therapy and Support Groups (Dr. Libby Williams) - GH 186

Ethan Orozco - Employer Handbook on Developing a Telework Workforce (Dr. Gili Freedman) - GH 195

10:30 AM

Gabriel Richards - Humor: A tool to fight against suicidal ideation or a warning for suicidal ideation? (Dr. Ayșe Ikizler) -GH 186

Kamryn Ring - Intervention for Bereaved Children to Improve Support in the School Setting (Dr. Scott Mirabile) - GH 195

11:00 AM

Megan Lane - Students’ Social Perspectives: Receiving Academic Accommodations in K12 Schools (Dr. Kathy Koch) *Technically an EDUC SMP - GH 186

Claire Ruble  Internalizing and Externalizing Tendencies and Disordered Eating Throughout the Pandemic (Dr. Jennifer Tickle) - GH 195

11:30 AM

MK Meyers - Giving Voice to Queer Kids: Using Gay Straight Alliances to Save Lives (Dr. Scott Mirabile) - GH 195

1:00 PM

Erin Lanham - Deception, Rejection, and the Effect of Online Context (Dr. Gili Freedman) - GH 195

1:30 PM

Mason Drusano - Beliefs About People (Dr. Gili Freedman) - GH 195

2:00 PM

Jacinda Thomas - Insanity Defense Attitudes and Juror Verdicts (Dr. Kristina Howansky) - GH 195

2:30 PM

Gabriele Backus- Improving Belonging in the College Classroom for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Through Identity Safety Cues (Dr. Kristina Howansky) - GH 195


Event Announcements