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Take Back The Night, Hybrid Edition. In less than one week!

Submitted by Kelly Muldoon Staff Therapist/Sexual Assault Advocate in Wellness Center
April 7, 2021
Flyer for Take Back the Night, Hybrid Event. Details in full announcement

Our annual Take Back the Night Event will be held on 4/14/19, from 8-10pm, in DPC. 

This is a hybrid event, and registration is required as DPC currently has a max capacity of 30 people.

You can RSVP here

Please join us if you are a survivor, if you know someone who is a survivor, or if you support survivors of sexual violence. This year we will have guest speaker Leah Mazur, and a featured performance by The Nightingales A-Cappella. 

If you'd like to share your story (as much or as little as you're comfortable sharing, and feel free to be creative), you will have an opportunity during this event to speak your truth. 

After the event wraps up, we will go on a candle-lit walk around campus to end the evening.

If you would like to meet with someone to prepare ahead of time, please contact Kelly Muldoon at

Click here to learn more about Take Back the Night.

Check out this link if you are interested in other SAAM events! 

Event Announcements