Black History Month Spotlight: Harlem Renaissance

Submitted by Jahmoni Bartee Intern at the Office of Inclusive, Diversity, Equity, Access, and Accountability
February 17, 2021 - 2:14 pm

The Harlem Renaissance was a social and artistic explosion of Black culture. The renaissance occurred during the early twentieth century (1918 through the mid-1930s) in Harlem, which had become a destination city for many Blacks migrating from the south.  

Harlem was the epicenter of what was considered the golden age of Black American culture, resulting in an explosion of Black literature, music, and art. Many legendary artists came from the Harlem Renaissance such as Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Count Basie, and so many more.

The Harlem Renaissance helped lay the foundation for the post-World War II protest and the Civil Rights Movement.


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Notable event in Black History, Harlem Renaissance.