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COVID-19 Tips for Safety--new CDC recommendation

Submitted by Shana Meyer Interim Vice President for Student Affairs in Student Affairs
February 11, 2021
CDC image recommending double masking and tight fit

The CDC has updated their recommendations regarding masking. 

Universal masking is recommended to slow the spread of COVID-19. Cloth masks and medical procedure masks substantially reduce exposure from infected wearers (source control) and reduce exposure of uninfected wearers (wearer exposure).

What is added by this report?

CDC conducted experiments to assess two ways of improving the fit of medical procedure masks: fitting a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask, and knotting the ear loops of a medical procedure mask and then tucking in and flattening the extra material close to the face. Each modification substantially improved source control and reduced wearer exposure.

What are the implications for public health?

These experiments highlight the importance of good fit to maximize mask performance. There are multiple simple ways to achieve better fit of masks to more effectively slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • Wear tightly fitted masks
  • Wear a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask
  • Knot ear loops and tuck the sides in of your medical procedure mask
  • Utilize a mask fitter
  • Wear a nylon covering over your mask


Hand Washing

A student recommended the following hand-washing video with a reminder to scrub hands and use a dry paper towel to turn off the water. Great advice!

Johns Hopkins Medicine. Hand-Washing Steps Using the WHO Technique; 2019.


Thanks to all for continuing to follow safety protocols to keep SMCM safe!

Shana Warkentine Meyer

Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
