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Omicron Delta Epsilon - Now Accepting Applications for Admission of New Members!

Submitted by Adrienne Dozier Posted on behalf of Dr. Amy Henderson, ECON in Kent Hall
Feb. 27, 2020
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Omicron Delta Epsilon

International Honor Society in Economics


Now Accepting Applications for Admission of New Members!


 Requirements for Admission:

 As of January 2020 (through fall 2019 semester), students must have: 

  • Completed 20 semester hours of economics courses, which must include either Econ 251 or Econ 252.
  • Attained at least a 3.2 GPA in economics courses
  • Attained at least a 3.0 overall GPA.
  • Students do not have to be economics majors

To apply, students must submit a completed application form and a check for $40.00 payable to Omicron Delta Epsilon no later than Wednesday, March 25, 2020.

You can obtain an application form in the Division Office on the second floor of Kent Hall, or click here to download one.

The chapter name is Kappa of Maryland. 

Please bring your completed application form with payment to the Kent Hall Division Office. 

Please direct any inquiries to Professor Henderson in the Economics Department, Kent Hall 205; Email

Upcoming Deadlines