New teaching scholarship

Submitted by Angela Johnson Chair
September 08, 2019 - 9:21 am


Maryland has just announced an outstanding new scholarship for prospective teachers; you can read about it here. This is a brand new program; I have no idea how competitive it will be, or the number of scholarships that will be available. The deadline to apply is October 11, but I would suggest you might want to apply much earlier in case the scholarships are being awarded first-come-first-served.


My reading of this scholarship says that it would cover anyone who intends to do the MAT, and it would also cover the MAT year. Note that if you receive this scholarship, you will be required to teach at a high-poverty public school. One thing to consider is that it can be a bit of a challenge to find middle and high schools in Maryland that meet the standard of 50% or more of the students qualifying for free or reduced meals. In St. Mary’s County, for example, only Spring Ridge qualifies this year. It will be on you to find a job that meets this qualification; if you plan to teach a low-demand middle or high school subject, this scholarship may not be wise to pursue.


To investigate particular counties and schools, go to this site:


Click on Districts & Schools across the top, then select a particular county and school, then click on Demographics, then Student Group Populations. 


You can email me at with further questions, but this is so new that I don’t know much more than I have laid out in this email.

--Angela Johnson

Announcement Group